Dental Services


Smile Design
Are you hesitant to smile? Or bothered by the way your teeth are aligned? Or the gaps between them? Smile designing is the answer to all your worries then. We got your back! There are different solutions such as braces, composite build-ups, implants, veneers etc.

Specially, we have a virtual set up  arranged  just to show you how you would look with your new smile with your ‘before’ and after pictures and impressions We can also show you the results expected ‘after’ the treatment straight into your mouth. This helps you decide which would be the most suitable treatment option for you.

Dr. Komal Dave has a keen interest in cosmetic dentistry and all basic and advanced cosmetic procedures are carried out at our Dentistry Clinic itself.

Smile designs can do wonders to fully restore your dental health and appearance regardless of the original state of your existing teeth.

So if you’re looking at getting a great smile, we are just a call away.

“Smile design treatment is specially recommended for those who suffer from various oral problems like tooth decaying, tooth loosening, bacterial plaque, weak gums etc.”

Know More how it is done?

- Tooth whitening and porcelain veneers- with the help and application of certain tools, the cosmetic surgeon whitens your tooth, covers the gap between your teeth, restores broken or discolored tooth.
- Dental bonding- this refers to the application of high grade composite materials at the front of your teeth, and is an affordable alternative to porcelain veneers.
- Root canal treatment- this technique is used to clean the infection right from the root of your teeth, and is filled with sealing material
- Dental bridge- this refers to the method of bridging the gaps in between your teeth where they have either been removed or have fallen.


Children begin to get their baby teeth during the first 6 months of life. By age 6 or 7 years, they start to lose their first set of teeth, which eventually are replaced by secondary, permanent teeth. Without proper dental care, children face possible oral decay and disease that can cause a lifetime of pain and complications. 

Our oral health care services to children is a dream venture to craft the smiles of children. Sincere efforts are taken to provide the best possible ambience for children and a non threatening atmosphere which makes their dental visit pleasant.

Modern clinic with latest technology to provide you with international standard quality service

Treatment at ease:
- Infant oral health exams, which include risk assessment for caries in mother and child
- Preventive dental care including cleaning and fluoride treatments, as well as nutrition and diet recommendations
- Habit counseling (for example, pacifier use and thumb sucking)
- Early assessment and treatment for straightening teeth and correcting an improper bite (orthodontics)
- Repair of tooth cavities or defects
- Diagnosis of oral conditions associated with diseases such as diabetes, congenital heart defect, asthma, hay fever, and attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
- Management of gum diseases and conditions including ulcers, short frenulae, mucoceles, and pediatric periodontal disease
- Care for dental injuries (for example, fractured, displaced, or knocked-out teeth)


An implant can be an amazing way to restore a missing, damaged, or broken tooth and we make getting a dental implant the best experience possible.

Benefits of Dental implants:
- Improved appearance
- Improved speech
- Improved comfort
-Improved oral health
- Durable

Interesting fact! “ There’s a high success rate of around 95%, which says dental implants lead to an increased quality of life for many people.”


A “root canal” is not a treatment, but part of a tooth.
Root canal therapy just requires three steps, and it only takes between one and three sessions to complete. 

Are you afraid for the pain?
In the past, root canals were extremely painful. This is one reason why people sometimes avoided such procedures. We now have pain-relieving measures that can be used to reduce the amount of pain you experience during the procedure. 

So don’t worry and save your tooth!


Full Mouth Rehab
- Eliminate Your Risk of More Widespread Tooth Loss
- When left unaddressed, dental decay and infection can spread to other areas of your smile. Treating these concerns can protect remaining teeth and the shape of your jaw.
- Treatment Can Have Extraordinary Aesthetic Benefits

Full mouth reconstruction is designed for your smile. Your dentist can take into account the shape of your face, the position of your jaws, and the alignment of your teeth for beautiful results.

Better Health, Better Function, Better Life.
Missing teeth can make it difficult to chew, and patients with tooth loss often sacrifice healthy food as a result. Treatment can make it easier to eat the foods you need and love.

It merely means combining restorative dental treatments to fix or rebuild your smile. With aim to see smile again as well as strengthen and fortify your healthy oral tissues and tooth structures.


A tooth has not yet broken through the gum line, Or has not yet fully grown into the mouth?

Surgical Extraction is the solution?

Single extraction generally takes 20-40 minutes.

This includes time for preoperative duties, numbing the tooth, extracting the tooth, and postoperative duties.


Increased Sensitivity/ Cracked tooth?

Prevents a crack from progressing and damaging the nerve of the tooth.

Crowns and bridges are dental devices that help in restoring damaged teeth. They can improve your oral health and protect your teeth against additional damage. While crowns and bridges often go hand in hand, they do serve different functions.


For decades, FPDs have provided a stable, reliable, and functional means of restoring bounded edentulous spaces.

Essentially, removable dentures are easy for you to take out, while a fixed denture can only be removed at the dentistry.


A complete denture takes up the whole mouth rather than just a part of it. It's a removable device that can be used to replace missing teeth and is used by someone who has lost all of their teeth. Complete dentures are usually made from acrylic.


Brighten up your smile! Its precious.

Having your teeth cleaned twice a year (every six months) for adequate oral hygiene. More frequent visits to our office may be advised for those with serious dental problems.

Using a small hooked tool called a scaler, the hygienist removes any plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth, near the gum line and in between the teeth.

Tooth cleaning is an essential dental hygiene that involves removing of dental plaque by scaling and planning the tooth.


Gap between tooth, get it covered up! Or else bacteria will hit you hard!

We fill up the space. The hole has been filled to prevent bacteria buildup in the area and shield your teeth from further decay. After filling the cavity, they will file and smooth the tooth to ensure it does not interfere with your chewing.


Smile Design
Are you hesitant to smile? Or bothered by the way your teeth are aligned? Or the gaps between them? Smile designing is the answer to all your worries then. We got your back! There are different solutions such as braces, composite build-ups, implants, veneers etc.

Specially, we have a virtual set up  arranged  just to show you how you would look with your new smile with your ‘before’ and after pictures and impressions We can also show you the results expected ‘after’ the treatment straight into your mouth. This helps you decide which would be the most suitable treatment option for you.

Dr. Komal Dave has a keen interest in cosmetic dentistry and all basic and advanced cosmetic procedures are carried out at our Dentistry Clinic itself.

Smile designs can do wonders to fully restore your dental health and appearance regardless of the original state of your existing teeth.

So if you’re looking at getting a great smile, we are just a call away.

“Smile design treatment is specially recommended for those who suffer from various oral problems like tooth decaying, tooth loosening, bacterial plaque, weak gums etc.”

Know More how it is done?

- Tooth whitening and porcelain veneers- with the help and application of certain tools, the cosmetic surgeon whitens your tooth, covers the gap between your teeth, restores broken or discolored tooth.
- Dental bonding- this refers to the application of high grade composite materials at the front of your teeth, and is an affordable alternative to porcelain veneers.
- Root canal treatment- this technique is used to clean the infection right from the root of your teeth, and is filled with sealing material
- Dental bridge- this refers to the method of bridging the gaps in between your teeth where they have either been removed or have fallen.


Children begin to get their baby teeth during the first 6 months of life. By age 6 or 7 years, they start to lose their first set of teeth, which eventually are replaced by secondary, permanent teeth. Without proper dental care, children face possible oral decay and disease that can cause a lifetime of pain and complications. 

Our oral health care services to children is a dream venture to craft the smiles of children. Sincere efforts are taken to provide the best possible ambience for children and a non threatening atmosphere which makes their dental visit pleasant.

Modern clinic with latest technology to provide you with international standard quality service

Treatment at ease:
- Infant oral health exams, which include risk assessment for caries in mother and child
- Preventive dental care including cleaning and fluoride treatments, as well as nutrition and diet recommendations
- Habit counseling (for example, pacifier use and thumb sucking)
- Early assessment and treatment for straightening teeth and correcting an improper bite (orthodontics)
- Repair of tooth cavities or defects
- Diagnosis of oral conditions associated with diseases such as diabetes, congenital heart defect, asthma, hay fever, and attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
- Management of gum diseases and conditions including ulcers, short frenulae, mucoceles, and pediatric periodontal disease
- Care for dental injuries (for example, fractured, displaced, or knocked-out teeth)


An implant can be an amazing way to restore a missing, damaged, or broken tooth and we make getting a dental implant the best experience possible.

Benefits of Dental implants:
- Improved appearance
- Improved speech
- Improved comfort
-Improved oral health
- Durable

Interesting fact! “ There’s a high success rate of around 95%, which says dental implants lead to an increased quality of life for many people.”


A “root canal” is not a treatment, but part of a tooth.
Root canal therapy just requires three steps, and it only takes between one and three sessions to complete. 

Are you afraid for the pain?
In the past, root canals were extremely painful. This is one reason why people sometimes avoided such procedures. We now have pain-relieving measures that can be used to reduce the amount of pain you experience during the procedure. 

So don’t worry and save your tooth!


Full Mouth Rehab
- Eliminate Your Risk of More Widespread Tooth Loss
- When left unaddressed, dental decay and infection can spread to other areas of your smile. Treating these concerns can protect remaining teeth and the shape of your jaw.
- Treatment Can Have Extraordinary Aesthetic Benefits

Full mouth reconstruction is designed for your smile. Your dentist can take into account the shape of your face, the position of your jaws, and the alignment of your teeth for beautiful results.

Better Health, Better Function, Better Life.
Missing teeth can make it difficult to chew, and patients with tooth loss often sacrifice healthy food as a result. Treatment can make it easier to eat the foods you need and love.

It merely means combining restorative dental treatments to fix or rebuild your smile. With aim to see smile again as well as strengthen and fortify your healthy oral tissues and tooth structures.


A tooth has not yet broken through the gum line, Or has not yet fully grown into the mouth?

Surgical Extraction is the solution?

Single extraction generally takes 20-40 minutes.

This includes time for preoperative duties, numbing the tooth, extracting the tooth, and postoperative duties.


Increased Sensitivity/ Cracked tooth?

Prevents a crack from progressing and damaging the nerve of the tooth.

Crowns and bridges are dental devices that help in restoring damaged teeth. They can improve your oral health and protect your teeth against additional damage. While crowns and bridges often go hand in hand, they do serve different functions.


For decades, FPDs have provided a stable, reliable, and functional means of restoring bounded edentulous spaces.

Essentially, removable dentures are easy for you to take out, while a fixed denture can only be removed at the dentistry.


A complete denture takes up the whole mouth rather than just a part of it. It's a removable device that can be used to replace missing teeth and is used by someone who has lost all of their teeth. Complete dentures are usually made from acrylic.


Brighten up your smile! Its precious.

Having your teeth cleaned twice a year (every six months) for adequate oral hygiene. More frequent visits to our office may be advised for those with serious dental problems.

Using a small hooked tool called a scaler, the hygienist removes any plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth, near the gum line and in between the teeth.

Tooth cleaning is an essential dental hygiene that involves removing of dental plaque by scaling and planning the tooth.


Gap between tooth, get it covered up! Or else bacteria will hit you hard!

We fill up the space. The hole has been filled to prevent bacteria buildup in the area and shield your teeth from further decay. After filling the cavity, they will file and smooth the tooth to ensure it does not interfere with your chewing.